Thursday, August 26, 2010

A store named "CAKE" that doesn't sell cake? Bastards

I drove to Nashville with a friend yesterday.  She had an appointment and I didn't have anything better to do.  We had just gotten off the Interstate when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a black and white sign with the word CAKE written in a beautiful font.  I got all puppy dog wiggling over a new toy excited and turned on my blinker to make a little pre-appointment detour.  When what to my wondering eyes should come clear?  But that the store named "CAKE" did not sell cake at all...WHAT!?!?!?!?  No apparently they sell vintage table linens and tablewares.  While I love a good vintage store, one must NEVER indicate that they have cake in ANY form if they do not.  I have not yet gotten over the disappointment of this false advertising.  I, in fact, had to purchase 3 whole Gigi's cupcakes to comfort myself from the crushing disappointment of a store named "CAKE" that doesn't sell cake.  COME ON IT"S NAMED CAKE...SELL CAKE!!!!  They should change the name to Bastards...cause that's what they are.  DOn't mess with my cake!-Lola


  1. sorry you were disappointed.....i do think it's a cute name for a store, but they should add some cake to the inventory. at least cupcakes were close at hand! xoxo

  2. @ Kate at least hand me a petit four when I walk in!
