Monday, August 23, 2010

Inappropriate Men

We have all had one, some of us have had many (no comments from the peanut gallery), I am talking about inappropriate men.  They are dangerous, sexy, unobtainable, and speak to our fix-it natures.  Whether they are too young, too old, too unemployed, too aggressive, or too married/already involved with someone else, we are attracted to them like (insert barnyard analogy here).  We know we shouldn't be, our friends tell us we shouldn't be, our families tell us we shouldn't be...but does it matter? NO!  Because if he loves us enough, if we work hard enough, if we say and do all the right things, he will change.  He will prove to your Dad that he is man enough, he will charm your Mom, and your Besties will stop trying to introduce you to "nice" boys and see him for the amazing guy that he is...OK now that I have stopped laughing (hindsight being 20/20 and all that) you get to the point that you realize, he isn't going to change.  He is going to continue being the wanker everyone has always told you he is.  Here is my advice...We like the naughty inappropriate men (admit it!), can we get to the point that we see them as they are, enjoy them for what they are, and not let ourselves get wrapped up in fixing them.  Because only then can we enjoy the interlude without missing the appropriate men.  Dear self, please read entire last post and take your own advice!-Lola

1 comment:

  1. Always true. Mean boys are way too attractive. Sigh.
