Thursday, August 19, 2010


You know how sometimes things are really funny in your head and you think other people would enjoy your commentary but there isn't anybody around to share it with?  That is not the case with me.  I have a wonderful little boy who has learned to laugh at about anything I say.  This is a double edged sword, it is great if I am telling my hilarious "What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs" jokes, not so great if I am telling him it is NOT ok to bite people's boobs or reach up their dresses, or throw screaming thrashing hissy fits on airplanes.  So I have started blogging as way to gain perspective on my interior monologue.  Maybe even a little control over it.  If you like what I say, let me know, if you don't and you want to try to get nasty, then karma might just put me and my 2 year old on your next 6 hour long flight. -Lola

1 comment:

  1. What about Karma putting you and your 2 yr old son in a car with me for a 10 hour road trip?? Karma...well, we all know what karma is, right?
    Oh, and I want to steal your shoes.
