Friday, August 20, 2010

"Dutch Treat" or Why are you a cheap bastard? or Why I deserve to be treated like a lady.

    I wouldn't say that I am old fashioned, but any more I look at the dating scene I am mystified.  In the aftermath of Feminism it has become, even more, a world that caters to boys and their lack of ability to act like MEN.  At least, in time gone by, a MAN would open the door for you, a MAN would pay for dinner, a MAN would make the effort to court a woman.  Now, not only do we "get" to work as hard as men just to survive, we also get to open our own doors, pay for our own meals (and a lot of times theirs) on dates, and strive ever harder to find and pursue a guy.  Plus what ever happened to a guy opening the door for you and waiting for you to enter first he places his hand on the small of your back to let you know he is there for you? I mean REALLY!  Who raised this generation of guys?  They didn't turn into weak, little boys on their own.  I would call them Mama's boys, but that is a misnomer.  My Dad is a Mama's boy but his Mama raised him right.  For example, I have a gay male friend that I met in high school.  When I told my Dad we went to the movies, he asked if my friend paid for me.  I said no because he was gay and it wasn't a date...for the past 15 years my father has referred to him as "cheapskate".
    I was raised in the grand tradition of "learning the wifely arts".  I can cook an entire meal and serve it all warm at the same time at a precise time.  I make food from scratch (including whipped cream, pie, crusts, biscuits, and pesto.  I can not only sew on a button, I can sew a complete outfit.  I vacuum, dust, and do windows, and can iron a knife pleat into a pair of men's pants.  I know what the placket of a men's dress shirt is and how to iron it, I can clean a house from top to bottom in less than a day, and know how to make hospital corners when making a bed.  For all my knowledge, what do I get in return?  I get to work so hard to find a respectable man, that at this point I would be shocked if there actually were any to be had. 
    If you know a real (SINGLE) man who treats a woman like a lady, who pursues a woman he is interested in, who thinks "Dutch Treat" is what the Amish serve for desert, and who does the hand on the small of the back thing (it's really hot).  LET ME KNOW!-Lola

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