Over the past year I have: lost a job, gone through a custody battle, moved back in with my parents, moved to another state, finally found another job, battled with my attorney over getting the child support she “won” for me, battled with my attorney over her $27,000 bill, battled with Child Support Services, to get the money they were sending back to “D-Bag”, had my child diagnosed as having severe allergies (which usually turn into ear infections/bronchitis/or other illnesses that keep him out of daycare and me out of my new job),had to buy a new car (less than a year after getting the other one paid off), and am trying to buy a house with me and 2 other people on the loan. Can I just say that I have never been so glad to be done with a year?
At the end of it though, I have a solid job, am back home in the state I love, my son is in a great daycare close to my job, we ALMOST have a house 15 minutes away from work, and I might even get child support soon.
Dear 2011, You may not include: fire, blizzards, floods, court cases of any kind, accidents, incidents, or catastrophes. You are to be profitable, pleasant, and soft-spoken. Because I said so~Lola
:) AMEN!!