Monday, January 31, 2011

The First Brush is the Sweetest

   If you lovelies don't already know, I am the proud owner of a new home (well, new to me anyhow)!  While I love my new place and am super excited and scared, and overwhelmed at having just purchased a new home, there are some definite issues that need to be addressed in my new home.  So, in the manner of Martha Stewart and Kevin Sharkey, I am going to keep you all updated on my (forever) continuing home "renovations".
   Upon settling, I went to the house and counted the door handles.  That may sound silly, but with a 2 and a half year old boy, the original non-locking lever handles would never work. Plus (like everything else in the house) they were that shiny gold/brass color (ick).  My brother and his fiancee came over last Saturday and helped install the new, round, aged bronze, locking door handles (there are still a few closet doors and the front and back patio doors to be done, but those are cosmetic and can wait until I have more money). 

   We also spent about 4 hours cleaning the place top to bottom.  When I got to the Master Bath and started cleaning the vanity cabinet under the sink I noticed a leak from the sink.  My brother, being the extremely handy and awesome person that he is, took the sink apart, fixed it and put it back together in about 15 minutes.
   Our stuff was delivered this past Thursday from MD.  I spent Thursday night getting everything put into the right rooms, putting bed together, and emptying boxes.  I repeated that process Friday night, as well.  This was all in preparation for the painting of the living room. Most little girls plan their weddings, I planned my house.  I pick out paint chips and read Better Homes and Gardens.  Each house I looked at in my hunt, would get a mental makeover as I walked through.  Needless to say I had my colors picked and ready as soon as the papers were signed.  Most of the house will get painted over time, however the living room was the color of dried blood and needed to be changed SWIFTLY!
My actual living room (previous owner's furniture)    

   I purchased 3 gallons of tinted primer  ( figured I would buy the paint later), and armed myself with tape, rollers, brushes, and the like and got ready to paint on Saturday.  THEN I realized "If I tape it all off now and prime it I will need to paint soon too, or risk peeling off paint when I remove the tape."  The magic of this realization came at 12:15...15 min. AFTER the store closed where I buy my paint (a local Benjamin Moore retailer and also where I worked my first job, schlepping paint and cleaning toilets (glamorous!)).

   My friend had come over to help me paint and it ended up we spent most of the day taping and laying down masking paper.  So Sunday night after my son went to bed, I decided I would get started on a couple if the smaller walls so I wouldn't have so much to do today.  LOOONG story short, I double prime coated the whole living room last night and got to bed by 3.  I just called the Paint store and they have my paint ready for me to pick up at lunch...let's just hope it doesn't take another 7 hours tonight!  P.S. I REFUSE TO EVER PAINT AGAIN!~Lola
P.S.  Finished pix coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, but the living room looks lovely now. :) Yay for paint! And I totally intend on paying you back someday. ;)
